The first webinar, titled “Data and information management and sharing in the Decade: why, who, what and how?“, co-organised by the DCO for Ocean Data Sharing and IODE, took place on 31/1/2024.
We are happy to share with you the recording, presentations, and other useful resources (at the links below).
We extend our sincere gratitude to each speaker and participant for dedicating their valuable time to contribute to this informative session.
The webinar provided a platform for insightful exchanges on the significance of Ocean Data Sharing and best practices for data management. We were privileged to hear about major existing facilities and programmes that have laid the foundation for effective data sharing in the realm of marine (data) science.

The materials of the webinar are available for download:
Opening remarks
- IODE short summary – Peter Pissierssens (IODE)
Data and information in the Decade: Framework and resources
- Implementing the Decade Data and Information Strategy – Louis Demargne (Decade Coordination Unit, UNESCO-IOC)
- The role, activities, available resources and progress of the Decade Coordination Office for Ocean Data Sharing (DCO-ODS) – Jan-Bart Calewaert (DCO Ocean Data Sharing)
Ocean Data Management and Sharing – recommended practices & training opportunities – Greg Reed (IODE, OTGA) [Watch the webinar video for details]
Ocean Data: overview of training needs, legacy, and new opportunities – Ana Carolina MAZZUCO (IODE, OTGA Project Coordinator)
Community examples and best practices from Primary Actions
- Ocean Data 2030, the Ocean Data and Information System and Ocean Infohub – Pier-Luigi Buttigieg (AWI, IODE, Ocean Data 2030) [coming soon]
- GEOTRACES – An International Study of the Marine Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes – Bill Landing (Florida State University & GEOTRACES Data Management Committee co-chair)
- World Ocean Database Programme (WODP) – Hernan Garcia (NOAA)
- Digital innovation Hand-in-Hand with fisheries and ecosystems scientific monitoring; the FAO Fisheries & Environmental Atlas – Marc Taconet (FAO)