Self-Paced Course on Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS)

The self-paced course on Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) is reopened! Developed by the International Oceanographic Data Exchange (IODE) of IOC-UNESCO together with regional partners worldwide, ODIS allows digital stakeholders to reliably share and discover key ocean data. In this course, participants will gain conceptual understanding of what ODIS

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DCO-ODS participation at the Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024

The Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference 2024 (IO-Con2024) took place on 1-3 February, 2024. Organised by the Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region (DCC-IOR) hosted at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), the conference sought to involve Indian Ocean Region (IOR) stakeholders in Ocean Decade activities, discuss Vision 2030

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