Data Sharing Toolkit
BOX IV - How and where to share my data?
HomeExplore Our Data Sharing ToolkitExplore Our Data Sharing Toolkit – BOX IV – How (and where) to share my data?
There are several data ingestion support facilities in place to assist data collectors/owners with making their data FAIR for others to re-use these valuable resources, often provided by national and or regional data centres and/or services. Some examples are:
Global network of oceanographic data centres:
- IODE’s list of National Oceanographic Data Centre’s
- European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)
- National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)- provides archive services for much of the data collected by NOAA scientists, observing systems, and research initiatives.
- The Australian Ocean data Network is an interoperable online network of marine and climate data resources. IMOS and the 6 Australian Commonwealth agencies form the core of the AODN.
- The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) is an open partnership in the UK and its partners represent government departments, research institutions and private companies.